miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Fujitsu lanza servicio cloud para mejorar el conocimiento y producción de ganado vacuno

La compañía de soluciones tecnológicas, Fujitsu (www.fujitsu.com), ha anunciado software as a service (SaaS) para ayudar a la gestión y producción de ganado vacuno. El Beef Cattle Management SaaS añade los servicios ICT de Fujitsu para apoyar las industrias alimentaria y de agricultura. La oferta SaaS está dirigida a aumentar la producción, hacer más con menos staff y obtener un mayor conocimiento de cada cabeza de ganado, como por ejemplo el costo que supone el alimentarlos día con día.

Fujitsu Launches Cloud Service for Beef Cattle Production

Akisai cloud service for the food and agricultural industries bolstered with addition of SaaS to support livestock industry with high quality, low cost beef production

Tokyo, September 28, 2012 — Fujitsu today announced software as a service (SaaS) intended to help the livestock industry manage the raising of beef cattle. The Beef Cattle Management SaaS adds to Fujitsu's ICT services that support the food and agricultural industries—the Akisai cloud for agribusiness.
This SaaS aims to help raise beef cattle enables integrated management and visualization of a variety of data, including on individual cattle, the cumulative cost of input up to a given point in time for each head of cattle (cost of work in progress), and day-to-day feeding. This thereby contributes to high-quality, low-cost cattle production. With farmers raising more cattle with less staff, this will help them maintain quality, control costs, and improve their technological edge. For the JA Group, a nationwide organization of farmers that plays a major role in Japan's wagyu, or Japanese beef, industry, this SaaS not only will reduce the effort involved in managing individual cattle, it will also increase agricultural leadership through data analysis.
Going forward, Fujitsu plans to link this service to others it offers, including the Gyuho system that provides animal husbandry support so as to raise cattle birth rates to one calf per year, and the Business Management SaaS, which adds improved managerial capabilities to the food and agriculture cloud. These links will support integrated cattle management as a business through ICT.
As Japan's cattle farmers grow older, the number of people working in the industry is declining, while at the same time the number of cattle per farm is increasing. This means farmers need to be able to manage many head of cattle with little staff. And with feed costs rising worldwide, farmers need to consider ways to control costs and optimize feeding.
Modern cattle farming covers a variety of disciplines, including breeding, feeding, and drug administration management, but because they are so disparate, farmers have been hard-pressed to make effective use of relevant data. A unified way to analyze all the data that arises, from birth to shipment, is becoming vitally important for properly raising and managing each head of cattle.
As of today, Fujitsu is offering this beef cattle-raising management SaaS as an addition to Akisai, its existing agricultural cloud for the food and agricultural industries. This provides unified data management to the livestock industry, helping cattle farmers to increase their work efficiency and to produce quality cattle by visualizing costs and work processes.

Service Features

  1. Discover issues related to quality cattle production and improve feeding technique
    This system tracks a wide range of data from birth to shipment, including data on breeding, feeding, work processes, and diseases. This allows for identification of highly rated farmworkers and comparisons of breeding stock to discover issues, with this data used to plan breeding and feeding in order to increase the quality of cattle production.
  2. Visualize feed costs to lower production costs
    Farmers can track in real time the cumulative input costs for each head of cattle based on data collected from birth to shipment, including data on breeding, feeding, and diseases. Also, it is possible to check the cumulative costs per head of cattle on a per-pasture basis, so that more efficient stock-raising methods in one pasture can be extended to all pastures. Additionally, because it is possible to track the costs of cattle that are still being raised, farmers can study resource control methods as they apply to costs, such as selection and replacement.
  3. Manage many head of cattle with little staff without missing tasks
    Based on basic information for each head of cattle, such as breeding and birth information, the system can predict estrus and birth dates, and can automatically generate lists of upcoming events, so that even a cattle farm with many head of cattle and few workers can avoid missed tasks.

Oficinas se unen a la iniciativa de cero papel para ahorrar

La estrategia de reemplazar el soporte físico por medios electrónicos es una directiva presidencial.

La manipulación de papel, las impresiones y los extensos archivos físicos que van quitando espacio en las oficinas son prácticas que van quedando en el pasado.
Ahora, las compañías se la juegan a fondo para aprovechar al máximo las nuevas tecnologías y los medios electrónicos para que el flujo de documentos se mueva por la red.
Es más, desde el Gobierno, a través de disposiciones legales, se ha dado un impulso a la estrategia de Cero Papel, la cual debe estar caminando al ciento por ciento en 250 entidades del Estado en abril del próximo año.
Cifras oficiales muestran cómo, en el caso de 809.000 servidores públicos, el consumo anual de papel alcanza las 20 millones de toneladas, lo que representa 4,4 billones de hojas.
Se estima que el 35 por ciento de las impresiones se desechan casi de inmediato, lo que implica un gasto diario cercano a los 631 millones de pesos.
Los expertos en el tema reconocen que son las entidades públicas las más avanzadas en el Cero Papel y dicen que un empujón fuerte a que se extienda lo da la directiva presidencial de abril de este año, en la que se ordena la promoción del Cero Papel en la gestión interna y de cara al público.
Un ejemplo de cuánto se puede ahorrar en uso de papel lo da justamente una entidad pública.
Erick Rincón, gerente general de Certicámara, entidad de las cámaras de comercio dedicada a promover esta cultura y a asesorar empresas en su puesta en marcha, explica que la entidad en cuestión, cuyo nombre prefiere omitir, gastaba cada año 1.200 millones de pesos en los procesos físicos de recibir los reportes que debían presentarle.
Recibir los documentos, desengraparlos, ordenarlos, clasificarlos, entre otros, eran parte de un proceso en el que se gastaba mucho tiempo y dinero.
Ahora, la digitalización le permite ahorrar las dos cosas, pues ahora el gasto en eso no excede los 400 millones de pesos.
“Certicámaras provee diferentes soluciones de seguridad en medios electrónicos. Ofrecemos también nuevos mecanismos de autenticación como firmas electrónicas certificadas”, dice, y aclara que este será el tema con el que participará en el Congreso de Segurinfo.
Por su parte, Eliana Salgado, directora de mercadeo y directora de formación de medios de ChannelPlanet, empresa proveedora de información estratégica para el sector empresarial, explica que antes las empresas escaneaban los documentos que normalmente imprimían y ahora están tratando de que sus documentos sean más digitales.
“No sabemos si se va a eliminar algún día el papel, pero lo importante es aprender a usar lo indispensable en las organizaciones, automatizar ciertos procesos”, expresa.
Rincón destaca que al sector privado todavía le falta aprovechar todas las herramientas en el marco de la estrategia Cero Papel, que tiene como principal propósito “racionalizar la actividad al interior de una entidad, usando tecnologías de la información para que no se tenga que depender del soporte físico”.
Eliana Salgado cita el caso de Bancolombia que desde hace cuatro años ha puesto en marcha un plan para reducir las impresiones. Tenían entre ocho y nueve millones de documentos al mes y ahora están entre 5,5 y seis millones al mes, lo que muestra un ahorro significativo en términos económicos, de productividad y de impacto medio ambiental.
“Cuando un documento nace electrónico y transita así en la organización para compartirlo y comentarlo se hace un ahorro importante”, afirma Salgado.

    Canon planea adquirir al grupo IRIS para crecer en servicios y soluciones

    IRIS y Canon han anunciado la intención de esta última por hacerse con la totalidad de acciones y bonos de IRIS. La incorporación responde a la estrategia de la compañía japonesa por desarrollar un acercamiento a las ventas desde una perspectiva de consultoría.

    LONDON, 18 September 2012 – Canon, world-leader in imaging solutions, today announced the intention to launch, via its subsidiary Canon Europa N.V., a voluntary and conditional public takeover bid in cash for all shares, warrants and stock options of I.R.I.S. Group SA. The bid relates to all shares (including treasury shares) issued by I.R.I.S. Group SA, which are not held by Canon Europa N.V. The bid offers a price of EUR 44.50 per share, and the price for warrants and stock options have been determined in conformity with market practices.

    Canon already has a close strategic partnership with I.R.I.S. Group, developed over a number of years, which was strengthened in July 2009 when Canon acquired a 17% stake in the company.
    Bringing I.R.I.S. Group into the Canon Group will allow both companies to cooperate more closely in developing a range of technology solutions to be able to better serve their customers in the business environment. The bid is part of Canon’s plan to further develop its long standing strategy to offer its customers end-to-end office solutions that complement its current world class solutions portfolio and to develop a more consultancy based sales approach.

    Rokus van Iperen, President & CEO, Canon Europe, Middle East and Africa, explains: “We are excited about this new phase in our relationship with I.R.I.S. Group and looking forward to bringing such a talented and innovative company into the Canon Group. Canon has identified business solutions and professional services as important focus areas for future growth and we believe this investment will bring long term opportunities to build on our success in the solutions and consultancy businesses to date. We will be working closely with I.R.I.S. Group, as a stand-alone
    company, to deliver more advanced solutions and services and greater customer value.”

    Pierre de Muelenaere, CEO, I.R.I.S. Group, comments: “We are very pleased to have reached this important milestone for I.R.I.S. Group, and proud that Canon intends to bring our company within the Canon group. The entire board of I.R.I.S. Group fully supports this bid and we are committed to making this transition a success, which we believe will be to the benefit of our customers and all our stakeholders.”

    Full details of the bid will be covered in the offer prospectus and the memorandum in reply prepared by the board of I.R.I.S. Group that will be published on the website of I.R.I.S. Group and of ING Belgium following approval thereof by the FSMA, the Belgian financial markets regulator. The prospectus will be also available free of charge by telephone from ING Belgium at+32 2 464.60.02 (French) or +32 2 464 60 04 (English). Reference is also made to the official announcement of the bid made by the FSMA on its website for further details on the bid.
