viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

DICOM lanza solución ECM basada en SharePoint para las pymes

La solución permite indexar documentos desde cualquier escritorio y guardarlos en una biblioteca SharePoint

DICOM ha comunicado el lanzamiento de KnowledgeLake Connect 5, una solución ECM basada en la plataforma SharePoint. Según DICOM la solución se adapta a las necesidades de las pymes, ya que más de un 50% no disponen de ECM pero en cambio casi todas disponen de un entorno Microsoft en el que la solución se puede integrar fácilmente.
Nota de prensa:
DICOM International offers SharePoint ECM-Solution for Small and Medium Enterprises: KnowledgeLake Connect 5 
With the latest release of KnowledgeLake Connect, DICOM International, the leading value added distributor of hardware and software solutions for document capture in EMEA, opens up major business opportunities for its EMEA channel partners in the SME sector.
KnowledgeLake Connect 5 is a simple to install and user-friendly SharePoint based Enterprise Content Management solution, that allows users to easily and accurately index documents from any desktop application, and then save these documents to a SharePoint Library. By doing so, Connect eliminates costly and tardy manual paper handling and accelerates business processes and the exchange of information between employees, partners and customers.
For DICOM resellers and system integrators, KnowledgeLake Connect 5 offers an easy onramp to SharePoint ECM without the need to have indepth SharePoint experience, as Joachim Froning, CEO and co-owner of DICOM, explains: “Today, not even half of all small and midsize enterprises run a functional ECM-solution. However, nearly all of them do have a Microsoft environment, which can easily be enhanced to a robust, SharePoint-based content management platform. As KnowledgeLake Connect 5 now allows all SMEs to take advantage of a high-performance ECM-solution, this product is a huge business opportunity for our channel partners across EMEA. And thanks to its really simple integration and deployment, they can benefit from this opportunity even without longtime and detailed SharePoint know-how. For system integrators, Connect 5 is a perfect entry into the booming SharePoint market.

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